Achieving responsible operations is core to our business philosophy. We are driven to explore
and implement sustainable solutions that reduce the adverse impact on the environment,
health and safety of our people. Our focus is to create brands and products that are not
only preferred by consumers but also those that conserve resources, protect the environment,
and improve living conditions for those who need it the most. We adopt a two-pronged
approach for moving forward in the direction of achieving responsible operations.
Green Manufacturing is at the heart of our environmental stewardship - Our business relies on
water, energy, and other resources to operate and remains committed to the efficient use of
these resources. We acknowledge the important role that we play in minimizing the
environmental footprint of our operations and supporting sustainable production. We
implement efficiency measures to reduce our energy and water use and, where possible, we
reuse, recover, and recycle waste. We also strive to responsibly manage disposed waste,
effluents, and chemicals.
Employee Health, Safety & Well-Being
Inculcating a culture of safety across our entire business is an ongoing priority for Adani Wilmar.
We strive to ensure the health, safety and general well-being of our employees, workers and all
those involved in our operations. This means we commit to the highest applicable safety standards to
enhance safety in field units and prevent workplace-related accidents and illnesses.
Related Resources : Sustainability Policy |
Consumer Recycling
Use of Recyclable Packaging Material
In researching and developing sustainable packaging solutions, we want to ensure that we do
not compromise on product safety and quality. Adani Wilmar pioneered the introduction of
recyclable packaging for edible oil pouches within the industry in India. Following the
flagship launch of our brand Fortune in March 2018, the company has sourced for plastic
films comprising of a novel formulation of polyethylene (PE) resins to create a new,
sustainable packaging. The novel formulation of polyethylene (PE) resin has already been
certified by the Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET).
Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR)
Adani Wilmar has an action plan to comply with Plastic Waste Management Rules and has signed
agreements with multiple agencies for ensuring the plastic waste collection including both
Multi-Layered Plastic (MLP) & Non-Multilayered Plastic (Non-MLP) across the nation.
Since inception of EPR in 2019, the company has successfully collected 21,000 MT till date
and plans are afoot to gradually scale up the targets to match the 100% and collect back all
of it from the market and send it for authorized Recyclers in the country. This is best
achieved through a co-operative effort, which encourages a sense of stake-holding in the
entire process right from waste generation, primary collection, segregation, recycling, and
final disposal.
Community Outreach
The Fortune SuPoshan Project : Nutrition is the single largest factor that determines the state of
health of citizens of any nation. In view of below par Nutrition level prevailing in our country,
Adani Wilmar set upon a journey of putting the words- “For A Healthy Growing Nation” into action by
launching Fortune SuPoshan Project in association with Adani Foundation.
Related Resources : Sustainability Policy |
Annexure-I |
Sustainability Dashboard |
ESG Report FY 22